Near-edge physics in L-mode, H-mode and ELM-free regimes
Main amphitheater
› Understanding of near-edge physics in L-mode, H-mode and ELM-free regimes progress in validation, core/edge integration, role of particle source - Clarisse Bourdelle, Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique
09:00-09:45 (45min)
› Gyrokinetic modelling of the radial electric field well in L-mode edge tokamak plasmas - Yanick SARAZIN, Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique
09:45-10:10 (25min)
› Pedestal turbulence in AUG and JET from a global gyrokinetic perspective - Leonhard Leppin, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik [Garching]
10:10-10:35 (25min)
Near-edge physics in L-mode, H-mode and ELM-free regimes
Main amphitheater
› Edge deuterium temperature and toroidal rotation profiles at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak and comparison to theory - Pilar Cano Megías, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik [Garching], University of Seville
11:05-11:30 (25min)
› Drift wave nature of the Weakly Coherent Mode on ASDEX Upgrade - Manuel Herschel, Technical University of Munich, Physics Department, Chair for Plasma Edge and Divertor Physics, 85747 Garching, Germany, Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany, Universität Ulm, Ulm, Germany
11:30-11:55 (25min)
› Discussion session - All All, Institut Jean Lamour
11:55-12:35 (40min)
› Enabling online pedestal stability analysis with machine learning - Adam Kit, Helsingin yliopisto = Helsingfors universitet = University of Helsinki
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Experiments and gyrokinetic simulations of TCV plasmas with negative triangularity in view of DTT operations - Alessandro Balestri, Swiss Plasma Center
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Extraction of the turbulence components and their dynamics using reflectometry data - Luigui Salazar, Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique, Université de Lorraine
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Fidelity of Model Reduction: Implications of Near Marginality Lessons learnt from (i) quasilinear, nonlinear gyrokinetic (ii) gradient- & (iii) flux-driven simulations - Camille Gillot, Association EURATOM-CEA
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Full Flux Surface δf-Gyrokinetic code - Georgia Acton, University of Oxford, Culham Science Centre [Abingdon]
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Full-F and turbulent simulations of a linear plasma device using a gyromoment approach - Jacob Mencke, Swiss Plasma Center
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Integrated modeling of WEST long pulse L-mode discharges - Shengyu SHI, CEA - IRFM
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Limiting factors for achieving peeling-limited pedestals in present devices - Theresa Wilks, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Maximizing the ion temperature in an electron heated plasma: from WEST towards larger devices - Jean-Francois Artaud, Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Modeling of WEST plasmas with reduced Lower-Hybrid model: interplay with transport and sensitivity analysis - Theo Fonghetti, Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of boron density peaking: experimental comparisons and reduced transport model validation - Pierre Manas, CEA Cadarache
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Predictive modeling of Super-H mode in DIII-D using the TRANSP integrated modeling code - Alexei Pankin, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Progress in understanding the impact of the magnetic geometry on divertor turbulence - Diego Sales de Oliveira, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), CH-1015 Lausanne
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Progress towards the understanding of negative triangularity improvements with gyrokinetic simulations - Giovanni Di Giannatale, Swiss Plasma Center
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Quasilinear Gyrokinetic Modeling of Reduced Transport in the Presence of High Impurity Content, Large Gradients, and Large Geometric Alpha - Cole Stephens, University of Texas at Austin [Austin]
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Role of neutral particles on pedestal structure for H-mode experiments in DIII-D - Julio Balbin-Arias, College of William and Mary [Williamsburg]
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Structure formation in plasma turbulence with imposed flow shear - Plamen Ivanov, Rudolf Peierls Center for Theoretical Physics
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Transport and zonal flows dynamics in flux-driven interchange and drift waves turbulence - Olivier Panico, CEA, IRFM, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Turbulence and Transport Dependence on - George McKee, University of Wisconsin-Madison
14:20-16:20 (2h)
› Ultra long turbulent eddies, magnetic topology, and the triggering of internal transport barriers - Arnas Volcokas, Swiss Plasma Center
14:20-16:20 (2h)
Confinement optimisation through shaping: negative triangularity
Main amphitheater
› Initial Transport Results of the DIII-D Negative Triangularity Campaign - Max Austin, University of Texas at Austin [Austin]
16:35-17:00 (25min)
› Investigation of Turbulence Properties in Negative Triangularity Plasmas on DIII-D using Beam Emission Spectroscopy - Samuel Stewart, University of Wisconsin Madison
17:00-17:25 (25min)
› Pedestal properties of negative triangularity plasma in ASDEX Upgrade - Branka Vanovac, PSFC, MIT
17:25-17:50 (25min)
› Discussion session - All All, Institut Jean Lamour
17:50-18:20 (30min)
› Overview on modelling of edge-SOL transport - Wladimir Zholobenko, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik [Garching]
08:45-09:30 (45min)
› Self-consistent simulations of plasma turbulence and neutral dynamics in detachment regime - Davide Mancini, Swiss Plasma Center
09:30-09:55 (25min)
› Influence of self-consistently determined perpendicular transport coefficients on the numerical prediction of turbulent transport in a full WEST discharge - Ivan Kudashev, Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres
09:55-10:20 (25min)
› Development of full-f gyrofluid simulations for edge turbulence and magnetic reconnection - Franz Ferdinand Locker, Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik - Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics [Innsbruck]
10:50-11:15 (25min)
› Injection of low-Z powders: a novel actuator to control pedestal, heat exhaust and plasma wall interaction - Alessandro Bortolon, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
11:15-12:00 (45min)
› Discussion session - All All, Institut Jean Lamour
12:00-12:40 (40min)
› A generalized gyro-averaging operator with magnetic field inhomogeneity and its implication - Hogun Jhang, Korea Fusion Energy Institute
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Can TGLF model Kinetic Ballooning Modes turbulence in the center of high-performance tokamak plasmas? - Anass Najlaoui, Physique des interactions ioniques et moléculaires, ITER organization
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Comparison of the impact of ECH and ICRH on impurity behaviour in NBI-heated LHD plasmas - Naoki Tamura, National Institute for Fusion Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Experiments and numerical modelling of negative triangularity ASDEX Upgrade plasmas in view of DTT scenarios - Lorenzo Aucone, Dipartimento di Fisica "Giuseppe Occhialini" = Department of Physics "Giuseppe Occhialini" [Milano-Bicocca]
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› First characterisation of L-mode ion-scale turbulence on MAST-Upgrade with beam emission spectroscopy - Steven Thomas, University of York
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Gyro-Kinetic DataBase project - Guillaume Fuhr, Physique des interactions ioniques et moléculaires
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Large-scale JINTRAC validation with preliminary JET profile database - Aaron Ho, Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research [Eindhoven]
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Modeling of the COMPASS plasma SOL using GBS code - Petr Macha, Institute of Plasma Physics [Praha], Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering [Prague]
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Mutual interactions of turbulent transport in COMPASS tokamak characterized by means of ultra-fast camera and machine learning - Sarah Chouchene, CNRS – Université de Lorraine, APREX Solutions, Pulligny
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Neural Network Surrogate for Acceleration of Gyrokinetic Codes to Compute Instability Growth Rates and Frequencies - Matisse LANZARONE, Physique des interactions ioniques et moléculaires
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Nonlinear energy transfer between drift-wave turbulence and zonal flows in spherical tokamak plasmas - Tobias M Schuett, University of York
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Observation of quasi coherent modes in W7-X and relation to tokamaks - Andreas Krämer-Flecken, FZ Juelich
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› On the validity of reduced quasi-linear transport models in the current ramp-up phase of TCV plasmas - Yann Camenen, Physique des interactions ioniques et moléculaires
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Progress on interaction between NTM Island and heavy impurities in AUG - Chiara Marchetto, ISC-CNR, Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino, 10129
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Recent progress in the coordinated experimental and computational effort on flow-turbulence coupling - István Cziegler, University of York
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Scenarios for operation of COMPASS Upgrade and ITER at larger plasma current - Fabien Jaulmes, Institute of Plasma Physics, Association EURATOM
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Statistical analysis of the COMPASS SOL turbulence by mean of a fast-visible camera - Jordan Cavalier, Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Studies on the effect of impurities emitted from a liquid metal divertor on the plasma core for the design of EU-DEMO - Elisabetta Bray, NEMO Group, Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino, 10129
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Study of heat transport properties in COMPASS Upgrade scenarios - Andrea Casolari, Institute of Plasma Physics, Association EURATOM
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› The hunt for zonal flows and the ExB staircase through velocity field measurements in MAST-U - Yorick Enters, University of York [York, UK], Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
14:25-16:25 (2h)
› Validation of reduced-order turbulence modelling in the L-mode near-edge of the JET-ILW tokamak - Garud Snoep, DIFFER, Eindhoven University of Technology
14:25-16:25 (2h)
Confinement optimisation through shaping: spherical tokamaks
Main amphitheater
› Mitigating uncertainty in integrated scenario design for the STEP prototype powerplant - Francis Casson, UK Atomic Energy Authority
16:40-17:05 (25min)
› Turbulent transport in the core of high-beta spherical tokamaks and predictions for STEP - Maurizio Giacomin, University of York
17:05-17:30 (25min)
› Pedestal stability analysis of MAST-U H-mode plasmas and impact of plasma shaping parameters - Koki Imada, University of York [York, UK], General Atomics [San Diego]
17:30-17:55 (25min)
› Initial results of gyrokinetic analysis of the core plasma in MAST Upgrade - Bhavin Patel, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
17:55-18:20 (25min)
› Discussion session - All All, Institut Jean Lamour
18:20-18:50 (30min)
› From the core to the divertor: Status of the impurity transport investigations at Wendelstein 7-X - Felix Reimold, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
09:15-10:00 (45min)
› Increasing the predictive capability of impurity densities and their effects in tokamaks with integrated modeling based on theoretical transport models - Daniel Fajardo, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
10:00-10:25 (25min)
› Experimental impurity transport studies for the plasma edge in different confinement regimes at ASDEX Upgrade - Tabea Gleiter, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Physik-Department E28, Technische Universität München
10:25-10:50 (25min)
› An algorithmic framework for developing saturation rules in reduced core transport models - Harry Dudding, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
11:20-11:45 (25min)
› Integrated modelling of ohmic ramp-up at TCV - Michele Marin, Swiss Plasma Center
11:45-12:10 (25min)
› ASTRA modularity and IMASification for integrated modelling workflows - Giovanni Tardini, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Beyond ion-temperature-gradient turbulence in stellarators - Josefine Proll, Eindhoven University of Technology [Eindhoven]
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Characterization of the edge turbulence and electron profiles in TCV tokamak with the Thermal Helium Beam diagnostic - Matteo Agostini, Consorzio RFX
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Configuration dependence of regimes with suppressed turbulent impurity transport in Wendelstein 7-X - Thilo Romba, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Detection of alpha heating in JET-ILW DT plasmas by a study of the electron temperature response to ICRH modulation - Paola Mantica, Institute of plasma science and technology , CNR, Milano
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Effect of approximations to the polarization equation in full-f gyrofluid turbulence simulations - Pradeep Somu Balasubramanian, Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik - Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics [Innsbruck]
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Electron density response to strike-point sweeping on JET - Antti Salmi, VTT
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Exploring state representation learning algorithms for multi-machine generative modelling of fusion plasmas - Järvinen Aaro, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Helsingin yliopisto = Helsingfors universitet = University of Helsinki
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Flow and phase velocity of turbulence in magnetized fusion plasmas - LAURE VERMARE, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Gaining insight into E × B flow control by plasma current in different magnetic configurations - Sascha RIENACKER, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Gyrokinetic simulations on the triggering and self-sustaining of internal transport barrier in HL-2A tokamak plasmas - Wenhao Lin, Southwestern Institute of Physics
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Hysteresis in gyrofluid resistive drift-wave zonal-flow turbulence - Fabian Grander, Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik - Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics [Innsbruck]
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Impurity transport through two types of transport barrier in 5D gyrokinetic simulations - Guillaume Lo-Cascio, Institut Jean Lamour
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Ion temperature gradient mode mitigation by energetic particles, mediated by forced-driven zonal flows - Juvert njeck Sama, Université de Lorraine
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Ion transport through Radio-Frequency sheaths studied by Particle-In-Cell simulations - Jerome Moritz, Institut Jean Lamour
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Isotope dependence of intrinsic torque in JET ohmic plasmas - Anu Kirjasuo, VTT
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Isotope Mass Scaling and Transport Comparison between JET Deuterium and Tritium L-mode Plasmas - Tuomas Tala, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Landau collisions for fluid and gyrokinetic simulations - Klaus Hallatschek, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Multi-machine validation of IMEP and fusion performance predictions for ITER and DEMO - Teobaldo Luda di Cortemiglia, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik [Garching]
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Studies of confined energetic helium ions in ASDEX Upgrade plasmas - Athina Kappatou, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik [Garching]
14:30-16:30 (2h)
› Excitation of high frequency waves in non-linear 6D kinetic Vlasov simulation with steep gradients - Mario Raeth, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
16:45-17:10 (25min)
› Applying self-consistent electron heat transport and ECH deposition profile estimation in DIII-D - Jelle Slief, Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research [Eindhoven], Eindhoven University of Technology
17:10-17:35 (25min)
› Experimental validation of momentum transport theory in the core of a tokamak plasma - Carl Friedrich Benedikt Zimmermann, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik [Garching], Physik Department E28, Technische Universität München [Garching]
17:35-18:00 (25min)
› Discussion session - All All, Institut Jean Lamour
18:00-18:30 (30min)
› Overview of JET T and D-T experiments - Jörg Hobirk, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
08:45-09:30 (45min)
› Advanced energetic particle transport models - Matteo Valerio Falessi, Italian National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development [Frascati]
09:30-09:55 (25min)
› Impact of supra-thermal particles on plasma performances at ASDEX Upgrade with GENE-Tango simulations - Alessandro Di Siena, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik [Garching]
09:55-10:20 (25min)
› Experimental assessment of the role of the main ion species composition on the access into H-mode - Ulrike Plank, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
11:10-11:35 (25min)
› Discussion session - All All, Institut Jean Lamour
11:35-12:15 (40min)