11-15 Sep 2023 Nancy (France)
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Thank you for a successful and pleasant conference!


The ultimate goal of the EU-US Transport Task Force (TTF) is to develop a physics-based understanding of particle, momentum and heat transport in magnetic fusion devices. This understanding must be of sufficient depth as to allow the development of predictive models that can be validated against experiment and used to simulate the future performance of burning plasmas in ITER and next-step fusion energy reactors.

The European TTF continues to act as a framework for topical discussions on transport, and provides the natural connection with the US TTF and the Asia-Pacific Transport Working Group. This conference aims to strengthen collaboration and communication within the transport community, particularly between experimental and theoretical experts, scientists who focus on different regions within fusion plasmas, and between the tokamak, reversed field pinch, and stellarator communities. To this end, having ample time for questions and answers as well as dedicated discussion time are at the core of the European TTF meeting. Moreover, the European TTF is committed to fostering the education and careers of young fusion scientists. For this reason, contributions from PhD students and post docs are particularly welcome.

Scientific Program

The meeting is open to contributions on all aspects of transport in magnetically confined fusion devices. For the 27th edition, we were particularly keen to solicit abstracts on the following topics:
  • Physics of burning plasmas - JET DT, isotope effects on confinement and L-H threshold, operational limits, and energetic particles (transport and role in turbulence stabilisation)
  • Understanding of near-edge physics in L-mode, H-mode and ELM-free regimes - progress in validation, core/edge integration, role of particle source
  • SOL/divertor transport & exhaust - compatibility with core performance
  • Impurities, from SOL to edge to core - transport, seeding & radiation control, divertor leakage, impurity impact on core confinement
  • Confinement optimisation through shaping - 3D, negative triangularity, ...
  • Core turbulence and transport - including progress in real time diagnostics, He plasmas, ...
  • New developments in theory and modelling of transport (including new methodology, e.g. UQ, validation,...)

Programme Committee

  • Yann Camenen, EU TTF chair, CNRS, France
  • Istvan Cziegler, EU TTF vice-chair, DIFFER, Netherlands
  • George McKee, US TTF chair, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA
  • Theresa Wilks, US TTF vice-chair, MIT, USA
  • Katsumi Ida, APTWG chair, NIFS, Japan
  • Athina Kappatou, IPP, Germany
  • Maxime Lesur, Univ. Lorraine, France
  • Josefine Proll, Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Christian Theiler, EPFL, Switzerland

Local Organisation Committee

  • Head: Maxime Lesur
  • Administration: Anne-Sophie Latreille
  • Members of the Fusion Plasmas Group (107) of IJL. Special thanks to: Etienne Gravier, Stéphane Heuraux, Guillaume Lo-Cascio, Jérôme Moritz, Daniele Del Sarto, Frédéric Brochard, Damien Genève, Nicolas Lemoine, Maxence Antoine, Timothé Rouyer, Alejandro Guillevic, Louis Fèvre, Debraj Mandal, Luigui Salazar, Anil Cherukulappurath Mana, Juvert Njeck Sama, Sarah Chouchène.

Host: Institut Jean Lamour (IJL) in Univ. Lorraine

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